Mama stats:
How far along?: 24 weeks 2 days
How far along?: 24 weeks 2 days
Weight gained: 11lbs…plus some, I'm sure (will update # after my Oct. 5th appointment)
Sleep: Great, just having really weird dreams
Maternity clothes: oh yes! AND just got lots of maternity clothes from one of my oldest friends Chastity Wagner Hay (we have been friends since jr. high / we ran cross country & track together). She is a GREAT mommy to 2 beautiful kids.
Movement: I LOVE feeling her move! I cant wait for Ryan to feel her.
Gender: GIRL
Name: We have 1 name in particular we both love, just don’t know if it’s the "1" yet. Will post as soon as we decide.
Belly button in or out?: Still in, just itches sometimes.
What I miss: Drinking beer & watching football
Cravings/favorite foods: Sweets!! I love a little something sweet & a cold glass of milk.
Milestones: We have reached Viability Day! Viability refers to a point in fetal development at which the fetus may survive outside the womb (but stay put baby, you still have plenty of time in my belly).
Best moment this week: getting a lot marked off our baby "to do" list.
Looking forward to: Getting her furniture!!! It is on back order until Oct. 5th (was Sept. 29th).