Wednesday, July 27, 2011

7 months

I think she is starting to resemble Ryan.
His hair line & color
His ears
His chin
Little Bentley nose (Ryan's mothers side)
My eyes & color
My lips
Villa frown & brow line
...and as Ryan says, my attitude

So hard to get a good picture. She is always moving or watching the dogs.

Clothes size - 9 months
Shoe size - 1 some 2
Diaper size: 3
Bottles per day - 4 8oz bottles
Solids per day - 2 servings of fruits, 2 servings of veggies & 2 servings of cereal. This month we have added sweet corn casserole, corn & sweet potatoes and her fav veggies puffs/cheese puffs to her variety of solids/snacks
Health - has been great (knock on wood). A stuffy nose here & there, fever due to teething, thank goodness no diaper rash or ear infection.
Routine - finally we have a great weekly routine. The weekends we just load up & go. Ava has adapted very well to our active schedule

We have packed up all her 0-6 months clothes & all her baby toys
Her hutch (top piece of changing table) finally came in (it was on back order FOREVER). It looks great in her room
She is sitting up so well. All by herself, no assistance.
Still not interested in crawling. Just extends her arms & lifts her chest off the ground. She will roll if she want to get some where or make grunts until her human taxi picks her up.
Will only go backwards in her walker
Loves, loves bath time
Loves to go on walks/runs in her stroller
She is a great little shopper
Has 2 bottom front teeth. We think she is getting an upper front tooth.
She is loud…boy can she be loud. She will just babble & scream
- Ryan swears she has said da-da. I choose not to believe it
Thinks her daddy is so funny
Still a mommy's girl
Very interested in her surrounds, loves to explore new things
- at restaurants, shopping, etc. will just stare at everything & anyone
- try's to grab anything you are holding, eating, etc.
Is sleeping so much better. I just miss seeing her in the mornings :(
- is a wild sleeper. All over her crib.
- Her angel monitor has gone off once or twice & scared the crap out me, but when I check on her its because she is all-the-way in the corner of her crib. So the monitor can not detect her breathing.

I'll have to admit. This age is so much easier & very, very enjoyable. I'm just obsessed with that little girl. I love to see her explore & learn new things ever day. I look forward to each month. Each new milestone & memory with our sweet love bug.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Ears pierced

We finally got Ava's ears pierced yesterday. I took her to an E.N.T. located in a near by hospital. They were amazing! They numbed her ears for a good hour (applied numbing cream twice), so we strolled around the hospital to kill time.

They finally took us back. Ava sat on my lap & 1 ear, 2 ear....done. Ava didn't even flinch nor cry. I was shocked how well she took it. Later that evening I was waiting for her to get fussy or start tugging at her ears and nothing. She was her happy little self.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Such a sweet picture

Grandpa Ricky came to visit us last weekend for Ryan's 31st birthday & to get his Ava fix. He visits at least once a month & spoils us all rotten. This time he even helped Ryan watch Ava so I could spend the whole afternoon with my college best friends.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Look at me!

....Look at me! I'm sitting so much better "unassisted".

Monday, July 11, 2011

New Schedule

I just LOVE our new schedule! Since Ava turned 6 months (and is sleeping so much better & longer), Ryan has started to dress her in the mornings & take her to daycare (instead of me pulling double duty -taking her & picking her up). This has worked out perfect for the whole family. Our sweet Ava gets to wake up on her own, go to daycare later, & gets picked up earlier. I get to work way earlier (like by 7 - I'm an early bird) and leave to pick up Ava up 4. Only sad thing is I cant love on her in the mornings. So I'm even more excited to see her after work. Ryan….hmmm. Well, he has no complaints. Only ask that I set out her outfit the night before & something easy.
Fun story: The 2nd day he took her to daycare. I set out a onesie & cute little skirt. Well Ryan put the skirt on 1st, then the onesie, only to realize that the oneies needed to go on 1st. So needless to say, he has requested "Dresses" only.

On the other hand, I'm trying to smooth out Ava's feeding schedule. I don't know why I'm stressing out over her solids/formula schedule.

Morning Feeding - 7:30 8oz
Breakfast - By 8:30 1 jar fruit & cereal
Play & short nap
Mid Morning Feeding - By 11:30 8oz
Play & long nap
Lunch - By 2:00 1-2 jar(s) veggies
Play & short nap
Afternoon Feeding - 3:30 8oz
Play (might take a short nap)
Dinner - 1 jar fruits with cereal
By 8pm - Night time bottle 8oz

This is working for now, but I want to combine formula feedings & meals once I introduce meats to her variety or solids.

Not very pleased with Garden Mixed Veggies

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Ava's 1st vacay

Ava's 6month bday

We take an annual family vacation the week before the 4th of July to New Braunfels. I look forward to it every year & I hope Ava will too. We always do a variety of activities in the area. This year was a little more low key for me since I had Ava, but it was still so much fun. One day we visited a local winery. Next day we spent in Austin. Toured the capitol, UT campus, dinner & drinks, then boarded a boat to view the bats at sun set (The Congress Avenue Bridge is the home of the largest urban bat colony in North America.). Ava feel asleep before the bats came out, but she enjoyed the boat ride on Highland Lake. The following day we went to Gruene & Canyon Lake. The rest of the week Ava & I enjoyed the house pool while other family members floated the river.

We had such a great time! Ava was spoiled all week by her Mimi, god mom (Mary), & cousins Christine & Alayna. Her schedule was way off. Poor little thing even slept for 12hours some nights. I think it was a combination of being on the go all day & playing in the pool. Ava was such a good baby! She really enjoyed the pool (she told grandpa it was on her Christmas List..ha!). She also had her 1st experience in a swing. She loved it! At 1st she was little wobbly, but she caught on & held on.

Now I cant wait to take her back next year! I can see it now…..Ryan & I chasing her the entire time.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011