Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Guess who...
Made his debut?
Elf on a shelf. I know Ava doesnt understand the meaning behind it now, but I plan to explain it to her next year & make it a Nixon Tradition.
Elf on a shelf. I know Ava doesnt understand the meaning behind it now, but I plan to explain it to her next year & make it a Nixon Tradition.
11 Months
Clothes size: 12-18 months
Shoe size: 4
Diaper size: 4
Bottles per day: Still 4 - 6oz bottles throughout the day plus juice.
Solids per day: great little eater. Is about 80% on table food.
Health: Just got over strep throat. It was by far the worst I have ever seen Ava sick. I hated seeing her that way. Now she has 4 teeth. The 2 bottom & 2 top teeth.
Routine: same as usual. Takes 1 long nap from about 11-1ish. Will take a short evening nap if she had a busy day.
Sleep: When she was sick I had her in the bed with me. Now that she is better, back to the crib she went. She still will wake up once a night. If she puts herself back to sleep, awesome, if not & she cries for too long, I just put her in bed with us.
Milestones: trying to walk. Will hold our hands & walk or stand & walk behind her walking toys.
@ Ava:
Getting close to walking
Starting to shake her head no if she isn't happy
Waves bye-bye
Will smack her lips & give a kiss
Dances just about every time she hears music
When we ask her "where is ???" she will look for that person/animal
Loves table food, not picky at all
Starting to point
Loves her mommy. Going through a mommy only stage.
Has major attitude. Hates getting her diaper changed or when you put her down & she doesn’t want to be down.
Still refuses to hold her bottle
Says da-dad, ma-ma & screams, babbles all-the-time
Is stretching out & seems to be not a chunky anymore
Thanksgiving 2011
We had Thanksgiving with my family. Ava was showered with attention & love. She enjoyed her feast & shoveled plenty of turkey, green beans, mashed potatoes & pumpkin pie in her mouth.

I have so much to be thankful this year. Most importantly my little family. Ava has been the most amazing addition. I'm so unbelievably in love with that little girl. My wonderful husband who I couldn't ever imagine being with out. He completes me, knows me so well, is the best husband & most amazing father. mother & best friend, my hard working dad, my brother, bestfreinds, my health, my job, the roof over my head, the clothes on my back & for 2011. It has bee a great year!. I became a mom….
Monday, November 21, 2011
Still Sick
Our Little P is still sick. We thought she was getting better, but to be on the safe side I decided to take her into the doctor before the weekend. GOOD thing I did. My poor baby was diagnosed with strep throat. They gave her a 10 day antibiotic. We have been giving it to her since Friday evening, but Ava still has not been at 100%. Saturday she was so miserable. Ryan & I took turns holding her all day long. Sunday was a tad better, but she started to get a horrible dry cough. Makes me so sad to see her this sick. Ryan & I did our best to comfort her over the weekend. Now my mom is in town taking care of her while we are at work.
So glad this is a short week. I want to be with my baby. I sure hope she starts to feel better real soon.
So glad this is a short week. I want to be with my baby. I sure hope she starts to feel better real soon.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sick Baby
After a long crazy weekend Ava & I got back into our normal routine. Monday came & gone, then by that night Ava started to run a fever & not feeling well. I tried my best to ease her discomfort all night long, but nothing seemed to work. After everything….diaper change, milk, rocking, Tylenol, oragel, lastly kicking daddy out of bed, Ava feel asleep in our bed. Wednesday I stayed home with her. I couldn't figure out what was wrong. She had no symptoms just a high fever. Finally around 4pm it started to break & she started to play. We put her to bed & she slept all night in her crib. She woke up Wednesday morning ready to go to school & back to her normal little self.
Then I got a phone call from the daycare about 11am. My poor baby was running a fever again. I picked her up from daycare & we laid around all day. She was running such a high fever for hours. I had her in just a diaper & a wet cloth on her head. I hate seeing her that way. Especially when I cant figure out why she is sick. I guess it could have been her teeth coming in. So I did my best to comfort her. All day she just wanted me to hold her or lay with her. Finally late in the evening her fever started to break.
Thank god she woke up fine & no more fever this morning. I have been watching her all day on the daycare cam & she seems fine. I hope what ever she had, has come & gone….and stays away!
Then I got a phone call from the daycare about 11am. My poor baby was running a fever again. I picked her up from daycare & we laid around all day. She was running such a high fever for hours. I had her in just a diaper & a wet cloth on her head. I hate seeing her that way. Especially when I cant figure out why she is sick. I guess it could have been her teeth coming in. So I did my best to comfort her. All day she just wanted me to hold her or lay with her. Finally late in the evening her fever started to break.
Thank god she woke up fine & no more fever this morning. I have been watching her all day on the daycare cam & she seems fine. I hope what ever she had, has come & gone….and stays away!
Big Mexican Wedding
My mom & her Aunts
(Tia Lala, Mimi & Tia more then ever I wish my moms mom were alive to see Ava)
This past weekend we went to my parents home town of Ingleside for my god sisters (2nd cousin's) wedding. It was Ava's 1st Big Mexican Wedding and she had a Blast. The wedding party was huge, groom wore a hat, Mariachi Band played during dinner, lots of family, DJ, dancing, cake and full band until 1am.
Ava was such a trooper. She really enjoyed watching all the big kids dance and run around. But most of all she loved the loud music and all the lights. She would stand in my lap and clap her hands or move up and down dancing to the music. We lasted until 11pm then called it a night.
Ava was such a trooper. She really enjoyed watching all the big kids dance and run around. But most of all she loved the loud music and all the lights. She would stand in my lap and clap her hands or move up and down dancing to the music. We lasted until 11pm then called it a night.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Ella Rae

Ava & I went to my cousin Drea's baby shower this past weekend. Drea looked gorgeous & was glowing. She received so many great gifts! I'm just beyond thrilled for the arrival of Ella. I look forward to Ava having a little girl cousin so close in age.
Note: Ava was not in a good mood. Poor baby is getting 2 teeth in. She was being Ava the grouch the whole weekend

Note: Ava was not in a good mood. Poor baby is getting 2 teeth in. She was being Ava the grouch the whole weekend
Halloween Night
We dressed Ava up & stayed in. She helped us pass out candy. I'm not sure who had more fun....Ava or the dogs barking every time the door bell rang.

1st Slumber Party
Our good friends (Chris, Nadia & Heidi DeKoch) came to visit from the Dallas area. We love this couple & don't get to see them that often. The visit was short & sweet, but it was great to catch up & see the girls play. Heidi will be 3 in November. Ava was in all of Heidi. She was chasing her all around the house in her walker.
Fun Times
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