Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Year Wrap Up

Ava has completed her 1st year at Ivy Kids Learning Academy. I’m glad we made the switch when we did. Ryan and I have noticed a huge difference in her academically and socially. She has blossomed into an smart, curious, silly, loving girl. This year her highlights by far were learning to potty, giving up her pacy and excelling in swim class from Level 2 to Level 3…well Level 4 (but we had to wait until she actually turned 3 for regulation purposes).

Ryan had 8 year of service at MHI Inc. He was promoted from Project Manage to Production Manager. I swear it’s a love hate relationship with his job. He complains and complains, but is good at what he does and enjoys the perks. So we shall see where his expertise in this field leads him. In 2013 Ryan continued his love for golf. Participating in a few golf tournaments and playing frequently. His other activities included fantasy football & college pick’ems (which he didn’t do too well in).

I have completed my 8 years of service at ConocoPhillips. I’m currently still a Business Improvement Analyst and plan to ride it out until after maternity leave. Then figure out what the heck I want to do. I truly love working for ConocoPhillips. I just need to find a position that fits “my sweet spot” where I have a work/family life balance. Anyhow, onto my other Business endeavor…or lack thereof. Thirty-One Gifts gave me the boot. I was very active in the beginning and enjoyed it very much. A little extra spending money and BAGS, BAGS, BAGS, but that all faded fast when I didn’t have the down time to contribute to a budding business. Plain and simple, I’m too selfish with my time and would rather spend it with family and friends. The highlight of 2013 for me was my selfish trip to Napa. I wanted my last “Hurrah” before preparing my mind and body for another baby.

Lastly, the ultimate highlight of the year was finding out we are expecting. We can’t wait to meet Nathan (Nate) Daniel Nixon in 2014.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

6 Months with Baby #2

With #2...same shirt... I think much bigger
With Ava

Mama stats:
How far along?: 24 weeks
Weight gained: 14lbs
Sleep: Great
Maternity clothes: That is all I wear now
Movement: All the time.  Not sure I noticed it more with 2nd kid, he moves more, or his movement is stronger. I can be sitting and will see my belly poke out where he is kicking.  
Name: We have 1 name in particular we both love, just don’t know if it’s the "1" yet. Will post as soon as we decide.
Belly button in or out?: Still in
What I miss: Wine
Cravings/favorite foods: Nothing really.
Milestones: We have reached Viability Day!
Best moment this week: Christmas Holiday!
Looking forward to: Family-Moon. We are trying to narrow down a place to go in January before I’m too big and miserable

3 Year Old Pictures

Ava's 3rd Birthday

I.Can't. Believe. My. Baby Girl. Is. 3
Friday Ava woke up to sweet treats and gifts. Mom and I took her to get her 3 year old pictures done then we spent the afternoon at Chuck E Cheese. Ava LOVES riding the white horse there. Later that evening Ava and I headed home to spend time with Ryan. He had a few gifts for her and we took her to see Walking with the Dinosaurs.


Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

I LOVE Christmas even more now that I have Ava (soon to be kids). I wake up early not anticipating what Santa brought me, but what Ava's reaction will be when she sees all her gifts. This year Santa and Mimi/Gramps were good to her. Mimi and Gramps bought her a horse she could ride and makes all kinds of sounds and songs. She also got a kitchen, baby bassinet set, Jared ear-rings from her daddy, a scooter, a Loving Family doll house plus accessories and much more.
That day we spent enjoying family stopping by all day and Gramps cooking Prim Rib for dinner. Thursday Ryan had to work so Ava and I stayed a while longer. My parents were on vacation all week and my grandpa and his wife were in town.

Villa Christmas Eve

We had our annual Christmas Eve Party at Tio Chava's and Tia Mary's house. It's always a good time! We feasted on brisket for dinner and drinks at Chava's Bar....well not I. lol! Ava was up the entire day and evening. She still had some energy when Santa showed up at midnight. Santa handed her the 1st gift of the evening. She wasn't scared one bit. She was super excited to open her gift and even more excited when she realized it was a horse that made noises when you pet it.
After we open all our presents from family we headed home. Ava passed out fast. We were able to sneak her in bed which gave me plenty of time to Prep for Christmas morning.


Villa Men...plus Ava
Family...minus Ava
My love and Baby #2
Villa Kids
Ryan as Santa
Ava opening Christmas Gifts from Family
Christmas Eve Prep
Stocking Ready!!
Gifts Ready

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Nixon Christmas

This year Ryan's family decided to host Christmas the weekend before Christmas. Which was GREAT!!....until we arrived at Memaws house and locked Ava and Teddy in the car. Uh. Yes....and we just bought a new car with a key pad for this very reason. In that moment I just couldn't remember the new code. I kept thinking of my old code. I had it saved on my phone, but go figure my phone was locked in the car too. After calling the police (who was no help and had no slim Jim), calling Ford rode side assistance (who couldn't get anyone to use for at least an hour) AND same with tow truck/lock smith because we were in outskirts Huntsville down dirt roads; Ryan had to bust open a window. What a PAIN. Anyhow, after Ava and Teddy being locked in for a good 30 - 40 minutes and both freaking out (along with me), we went on with our evening plans. Aunt Margie hosted Christmas party. We all had a great time. I just wish I would have got pictures. The ONLY picture I got was of my busted window. AND to top off our trip memaws dog Dappy was on the verge of dying. Ava kept asking, "What's wrong with that dog" And I stepped in a HUGE pill of crap while loading up our car to leave. So we tossed my shoes down some river hole and I rode home with no shoes.

It was a lovely trip!

All I Want for Christmas

Ava's letter to Santa.
(teachers helped her write it)

Christmas Mail

Ava's Great Granny Bentley is very traditional and always right on time.
She sends Ava the BEST holiday gifts. Every Christmas she send 1 hand painted ornaments and 1 fun ornament.
Ava LOVES getting mail!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Front and Center

 I log on the daycare camera a lot throughout the day at work….I can’t help it. I don’t watch too long, just long enough to check on Ava. I know she is in great hands, really enjoys school and learns a lot. She will ask me questions like, “What is your favorite planet?” then reply with what hers is. So when I log in and see her front and center during a learning session it makes me smile.
I just love that little girl!! (FYI – today was pajama day so that is why she is in bright red & white stripes.)

Gingerbread Party with Neighbors

We are super blessed to have great neighbors and a bonus is 3 of us have girls within a few days apart. One of the moms is even a sorority sister of mine – small world. This past Sunday Annabel invited us over to build Gingerbread House/Train. It was a hit for the mom’s and the girls!!

Aida's 50th Birthday

After the party we hauled butt to LaPorte for Aida’s 50th Birthday. There was NO WAY we were going to miss that. She is the BEST aunt ever to Ava and I/Ryan. She is so selfless and always puts her family 1st. She makes the BEST grilled cheese and meatloaf. She also spoils Ava with her love, time and gifts. We LOVE her so much!
All the sisters & brothers
All the nieces and nephews (minus aunt Kathy)

Girls Annual Christmas Party

Saturday I hosted our Girl’s Annual Christmas Party. This year it was a little different and included the kiddo’s. Which I hope we continue because I want them to grow up and know one another. We have the 2 oldest girls: Katelyn and Ava. They play great together and are really starting to understand their little friendship. Ava couldn’t wait for Katelyn to get to the party! Then we have all the boys: Jacob, Wyatt and Miles…boy #4 will be mine. So next year these little guys will have a blast!!
I love how my friendship with these girls has lasted over 10 years. It has evolved from crazy college sorority girls to mommy’s. I’m so grateful to have each one of them in my life.

Santa Picture 2013

Not sure I have said it enough…I…LOVE…having…every other Friday off. This past Friday Ava and I ran some errand, I took her to see Santa and we meet dad for lunch at Salt Grass. Lunch at Salt Grass has become our “Friday lunch date with dad”. We have met him for lunch the past 3 Fridays. We all look forward to it. Ava loves the atmosphere of all the animals on the walls and Ryan and I love the food. Win. Win.

Santa picture to come
Can't go to the mall without riding on the carousal.

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Family Pictures 2013

Here are a few of my favorites!
Everytime Ava would smile she would say "cheese".

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Silly Ava Girl

Ava is just so funny at this age. The things she says are just too darn cute or hilarious.

She will call the boys (Teddy & Boudreaux) – her buddies and her pals

She will tell us the boys are asking her for a treat.

Her 1 chore is to feed and give the dogs water. If their bowls are empty she will say, “They were very hungry or thirsty”.

When it’s time for bath, I will say “I’m ready”….meaning the bath water is ready. She will then run to  Ryan and say “Save me dad”. Once undressed in the restroom she will either run off or ask to use the potty and when I’m not looking run off saying, “You can not catch me”.  I usually scream to Ryan, “We have a runner” and he brings her back to me.

I’ll make her try to potty before we leave the house or before bedtime. If she cant go she will say, “My tee tee don’t work”.

When Ryan doesn’t shave his face and has a slight beard she will call them “skinny’s”.

If I tell her “No” to something she will go to Ryan and say, “Mommy told me No”. Ryan is such a sucker. He will give in AND she knows it.

If she wants something like lollipop or candy she will say, “I don’t not have a lollipop “ and slump her shoulders and head down while making a sad face.

Ryan will give her a surprise if she eats all her dinner. He will say, “close your eyes”. She will squeeze her little eyes tight and cover her face with her hands. If Ryan takes too long she will start to peek.

If she doesn’t want to try something new to eat, she will say “its too spicy for me”.

If Ryan or the boys do something she doesn’t like (example: knock over her toys) she will say, “you need to go to the thinking corner” or “I’m going to spank your booty”.

She has a crazy imagination. She will jump from couch to couch saying, “Help or Ayudame” I’m going to fall into the gooey geyser/prickly thorns (thanks Dora the Explore).

She will also put her babies (stuffed animals) to sleep and request us to be quiet because they are sleeping.

I’m trying to teach her to speak softly in public. She has said some things aloud like, “What’s that man doing”, Why did he do that”, etc. Luckily nothing too embarrassing. I have however given her a little nudge to move a little faster in a store and she has said, “mommy don’t push me or mommy don’t do that to me”. Sheesh.

My favorite is every other Friday I’m off (and if I don’t have a lot to do) I will ask her when she wakes up, “Do you want to go to school or stay home with mommy”. She will scream, “Stay home with mommy” and give me a huge hug.

…oh I’m sure there is more I can’t think of now. I just wanted to jot some down to remember them forever.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Little Brother

I had my 20 week ultra sound and checkup yesterday. Little Brother is doing great! We did a lengthy ultra sound measuring all his body parts and internal organs. He is measuring about 21wks/3days and is almost a 1lb. I drank a little Dr. Pepper before my visit so he was very active. I saw him moving all around. We were able to get some clear/good shots of him.
As far as me, I’m measuring right on track. I have gained about 10lbs, blood pressure looks great and all my lab work came back normal. My next visit is January 2nd for my glucose screening. Yuck.