Monday, March 31, 2014

Diaper Corner

Wonder how long these will last!?!?

Family "Sprinkle" Celebration for Nathan

Ryan, Ava and I had a fantastic time at our “Sprinkle” Celebration for Nathan. At 1st Ryan and I were very hesitant on having anything since this is baby #2 and we purposely registered/bought all Ava’s baby/infant items in neutral colors, but Mimi and Mary convinced us to celebrate. I’m glad we did!! We registered for minimal essentials and diapers….AND boy did we receive an out pouring of gifts. We are very thankful for our family and friends. We are now ready to welcome Nathan.

Friday, March 28, 2014

36 Week Check Up

I had my weekly checkup at 36 weeks 4 days. Nate’s heartbeat is good and he is very lower, but my cervix is still high. We scheduled a tentative C-section date for Wednesday April 16th (39 weeks 3 days)  However, at my next weekly appointment Thursday morning April 3rd  (37 weeks 4 days) we will do an ultra sound to measure Nate. If his size is good we will move up the C-section to Wednesday April 9th delivering him at 38 weeks 3 days.
This mama is ready!!! With Ava I never felt pressure, cramps in my legs and now I waddle. I also delivered her at 37 weeks 2 days and she was only 6lbs 1oz. So I can’t imagine going full term with Nate. I feel comfortable moving up his delivery date. Especially if she thinks he will be around 8lbs.  

Sunday, March 23, 2014

36 Weeks

Can you tell I’m so ready for this to end…..
How far along: 36 weeks
Weigh gained: about 20lbs as of 34 week appointment. I’m sure I’m up at least 2-3 lbs.
Sleep: Waking up 3+ times to use the restroom or take a tums. No Bueno
Maternity Clothes: all day, everyday
Movement: still pretty active.
Belly button in or out: flat
What I miss: running, wine, sleeping on my stomach, picking up Ava and squeezing her.

Craving/favorite foods: Mexican lately
Milestones: weekly appointments
Best moment this past month: feeling Nate have the hiccups, Neighborhood Diaper party, Work Celebration and STILL wearing my wedding rings.

Looking forward to: our Family Diaper Celebration this weekend.

Jacobs 2nd Birthday

Baby Jacob (as Ava calls him) had a fun Birthday Party at  The Woodlands Children Museum. As soon as we walked in Ava was eye balling what exhibit she wanted to play in. We made our rounds but spent most of our time in the Dino Pit (go figure).

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Mom and Ava Date

I love this little girl to pieces. I love spending one on one quality time with her. I also love her goofy smile she has started when she is happy/excited. I can’t believe in a few short weeks I will have another little one to love on. I cant imagine loving another child as much as I love Ava, but I know it is possible.

Nate's Room

We are finally finished with Nathan’s Room. I think it turned out pretty cute. Ava helped with the theme and even helped with some of the wall art we painted. I even got super crafty and made his letters myself.

Ava's Big Girl Room

Ava’s Room had a make over a few months ago. We bought her big girl furnture, Gramps & Mimi bought her a TV (I think to secrelty watch it when they stay the night), Ava and I painted the horse canvases, I made her letter “A” and just recently we had it repainted.
 She loves her room!!! Especially her little play corner covered in squeakies (aka stuffed animals).

Friday, March 21, 2014

Work Celebration

I have been in the same group for close to 7 years. My job title has changed 3 times as I have been promoted but have been working with the same people. Most have been there for my wedding, my 1st child and now 2nd child. So it’s a friendship I cherish with them. Thursday the group surprised me with cupcakes, lunch and a card/gift card for Nate. It was super sweet.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

New with Ava

Where does she get this…..
When she says something mean I remind her “no one likes mean girls” or “cute little girls don’t say stuff like that”.

Don’t you say that to me
You are not going to be my friend
I’m not going to play with you
You are a mean mom/dad, then says we need to go to the “thinking corner”
Boring (when a game on the iPad is no longer fun)
Awkward – no clue where she picked this up but she seems to say it at the right time

She has a crazy imagination….
She will talk for Ted. Like hold him up, try to disguise her voice and say something for Ted. For example: “I want a treat”.
She will put all her squeakies (aka stuffed animals) in Nate’s swing and request we be quiet because she put them all to sleep.
After a bath when the water is going down the drain and makes a noise, she will say it’s the “drain monster”.
She wants to go to the pet store to buy a jaguar like Diego.
She has called my belly a "Beachball"

Also new…..
No more sleeping with a pull up
After dinner she washes her hands all by herself in the restroom
She picks up on Ryan’s silly songs so fast. For example: he sang Vanilla Ice’s – Ice Ice Baby followed by ding, ding, ding, da, da, ding ding  and now she says in all-the-time
She will make up her own versions to books and every time she is finished say “The End”
We have become more structured with playtime. She can only play with 1 bucket of toys (she has a dinosaur, horse, Barbie, mark-up and food bucket) at a time then has to clean them up before getting the next one out. This has worked out great!! No more huge mess.
She says “I love you” all the time. It is just so sweet. She has told me, Ryan, Mimi and Gramps.
If she and I or Ryan and her are having a good time together she will say, “You are my best friend”

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Nate Maternity Pictures

35 weeks with Nathan Daniel Nixon
Big sister 3 years 3 months

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Neighbor Diaper Party

I have said it once and I will keep saying it: We-Have-Great-Neighbors.
They had all along wanted to have a Diaper Shower for us, but Ryan and I were hesitate and kept telling them there was no need. Then when it actually came down to the weekend of the weather was horrible, so I thought the whole thing was cancelled. Well so much for assuming…..they still threw together a fun Diaper Shower/crawfish boil.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Girl Time

I feel like we have been so busy every weekend. I really need to slow down, relax and rest these next few weeks before Nate is here. So Saturday I decided it was time for a pedi & mani. I took Ava along for her 1st pedi. She did great during her treatment, but was very impatient waiting on me to finish up.

Rodeo Time

Ryan and I wanted to take Ava to the Rodeo, but didn’t want to pay an arm and leg for good seats. Ryan and I really don’t listen to country, so we wanted good seats for Ava to actually see the rodeo up front and not from the nosebleeds. Well…..Score-One for Gramps!!! He was offered amazing seats to see Keith Urban and a parking pass from a vendor at work. We were row A. The only people in front of us were  gold pass members, committee members, etc. in fold out chairs on the floor. We ALL had a great time!! Ava now makes her horses kick up & down like a bucking bronco. We only stayed for 1 song and headed home. Our inside joke was: What the heck does Keith Urban sing?!? I'm sure if we would have stayed long enough we would have known a few, but we wanted to beat traffic out and not be stuck driving by a bunch of drunks.

Monday, March 10, 2014


We FINALLY had an open weekend to dedicated to our little family of 3. We stayed local and booked a hotel Downtown from Friday - Monday to take in all the attractions. We did EVERYTHING our Ava-bug would enjoy.
French Festival in Discovery Green:
Friday evening we checked out the French Festival at Discovery Green. Ava and I enjoyed the music and food while Ryan enjoyed a few cocktails. Too no surprise Ava was dancing around to the music.
Houston Rodeo:
Saturday we were up and at it early. We took the Metrorail to Reliant to take in the Carnival and Livestock. (Side note: boy am I glad we live in the suburbs. We saw some characters on the Metrorail and I was constantly telling Ava do not touch anything). As soon as we walked into the carnival Ava was dead set on the petting zoo & riding a horse. She LOVES animals. Then we walked through the Livestock where Ryan was re-living his FFA days and showing/telling Ava all about the animals and what was going on. They were both in their eliminate, while I was trying to get over the smell and avoiding any of us stepping in poop or pee. Afterwards Ava road a few rides, Ryan won her a toy and we indulged in fried ice cream then it was time to G-O. This mama was tired. That evening we met my family DT at Spaghetti Warehouse for dinner. Perfect ending to such a long day.
Discover the Dinosaur's:
Sunday we were back at it early (thank goodness because when we left the line to get in was wrapped around the GRB). We took Ava to the Dinosaur Exhibit. She had a BLAST!! She kept waving at the dinosaurs, saying which dinosaur it was and running from exhibit to exhibit. The rest of the day was dedicated to relaxing, taking in yummy restaurants and watching Frozen for the 1st time.

We ALL enjoyed our time together!! I can’t believe how big my baby girl is. She is so full of life, tons of fun, silly, funny and so sweet. The best part of the weekend for me was having breakfast with her every morning at the café (Ryan doesn’t eat breakfast) chatting about the day before/the upcoming day and watching her have so much fun throughout the weekend (giving us that BIG smile).

Monday, March 3, 2014

32 Week Check Up

I had my 32 week checkup last Thursday. Nate is looking good!!
  • Heat beat 142
  • Measuring at 5lbs 3oz / measuring at 34 weeks
  • Amniotic fluids are looking great

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Partied Out

While dad was in Vegas for a Bachelor Party, Ava and I had a great time with Mimi and Gramps. Our weekend was jam packed with quality family time, shopping, dinners and 2 parties on Saturday. Ava really enjoyed herself at both parties. At Hunters 5th birthday party she loved the jump house and posing in the Lego Man. At Anita’s 60th birthday party she was a dancing machine (well jumping around) to the mariachi band and DJ.