Sunday, April 27, 2014

Morning Playtime

Nathan has a good sleep schedule. He goes down about 9:30 and wakes up about 1:30, 4;30 and 7:30. Then he is up for a good 2 hours. This has become the time Ava gets to play and love on him.

Birthday Party Fun

Miss Popular had 2 birthday parties this weekend. Saturday she had Benjamins Pool Party to celebrate his 1st birthday. Sunday she had Semion's 4th birthday at Chuckie Cheese. Ryan took Ava to both. They have been partners since Nate's arrival and she is turning into a little daddy's girl. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

2 Week Check Up

8lbs 13oz
21 1/4 inches
Umbilical cord fell off

Released to drive! Yay!!
Post baby weight - 7lbs to loose 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter 2014

Easter started out with a gift from Granny! Ava loves getting mail. She received a cute Easter ornament.
Nathan's 1st Easter

This Easter was a little different from prior Easter's. We didn't make it to Tia Rosie's annual Easter Party since Nathan is too little...and I'm old fashion and refused to have him around a crowd (plus lots of kids), so we stayed home. We had both grandparents visit. Ava was spoiled rotten with 3 Easter baskets - 1 from my parents, 1 from her godparents and one from the Eater bunny.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Best Husband Ever

....and daddy to my sweet babies. 

I always knew Ryan was the one and I loved him from the start, but as we get older and experience new life events I fall more and more in love with him. I absolutely love seeing him with Ava and look forward to seeing him with Nate.
He also knows just how to make me feel special! He and Ava came home yesterday with this little gift. The perfect right hand ring. It has Ava and Nate's birthstone. I LOVE IT!

Nathan is 1 Week

It's only been a week, but I can't believe what a good baby Nathan is. Ryan and I keep comparing him to Ava as a new born. I even checked this blog to see my post about her in her early weeks, but I guess she was so fussy and kept me so busy I didn't even keep up with post about her until she was close to 3 months (about the point when I remember life with Ava got a little easier). Anyhow, Nathan has been an angel. He is the perfect baby so far. We feel very blessed!!
Wear: Newborn
Diapers: Newborn. I actually like Huggies better this time round. With Ava I preferred Pampers.
Formula/Feeding: Enfamil New Born. Eating like a champ about every 3-4 hours anywhere from 2-4oz
Health: He is perfect! Gaining weight.
Routine: He wakes up to eat, sometimes stays awake, sleeps and all over again. I love it when he is up for a good amount of time. I stare at his beautiful little face. I think he "may" have green eyes like Ryan.
Ava & Nate: So far Nathan is in Ava's world and he better adjust to it. lol! She loves to check on him then goes about her business. She calls him "sleepy head" or "lazy bones" because he sleeps all the time. She likes to show him her toys. The only issue we have had is she started waking up in the middle of the time looking for me. It has been better as the days go on, so she is adjusting.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Nathan's 1st Check Up

7lbs 14oz
All looks good with Mr. Nathan
He is a great baby. Thankgoodness! Ryan and I had such a rough time with Ava when she as a newborn/infant. She was such a fussy baby (Ava the grouch). So far Nathan as been a complete angel. I'm enjoying every minute with this little guy. 

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Discharge Day

Friday I woke up to good news!! My OBGYN said I was doing well so she was going to release me a day early (c-section is typically 3 night stay). Also, Nathan was eating like a champ so he got the all clear too. 
We arrived home to a Welcome sign from our neighbors and planned meals for the following 4 nights!! I just love, love our neighbors and the relationships we have developed with them over the years. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Happy Birthday Nathan

Nathan Daniel Nixon
April 9, 2014
7lbs 12oz
19 1/2 inches

The day started so early. Ryan and I had to check into the ER at 5:30am. The whole prepping process for a scheduled c-section took 2 hours (not like the emergency c-section I had with Ava). By 7am I was really nervous and Ryan was really ready to get the process going. Eventually I was wheeled into the OR and Ryan shortly followed once my spinal tap was in. 
In no time our son was born (tear). I couldn't wait to hear his cry and see him peak over the operating sheet. Once he let out a huge scream I was so relieved. Then we saw him.... and all that hair. Ryan got to see him and hold him 1st while I continued with surgery. 
The day seemed the fly by. I was recovering well and remember the whole day. That evening Big Sister met her little brother. She couldn't get enough of him. She was all over him (we'll have to keep a good eye on her with him). 
We are so in love with our new addition! So far he is a little angel and being a very good boy. 

The Night before Nate

I had been home about a week waiting for Nathan to come on his own, but luckily he decided to wait until his scheduled c-section date. It was completely different anticipating his arrival since Ava's birth was a total surprise. So I had plenty of time to "nest" and anxiously wait for Wednesday.
Tuesday we had our last family dinner as 3. It was very nice to chat with Ryan and Ava about what the next day would hold. That evening Mimi and Gramps came to stay with us to help out with Ava the follow days.
It was so hard to sleep that night. I kept thinking about everything I packed: enough for 3 nights, Nate's stuff, my paper work, etc. Then I kept anticipating my alarm going off at 4am. So needless to say I hardly got a good night sleep....serious how could I. I was about to meet my little man!!

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Girl and her Dino's

Ava is too funny!! She accessories her Dino's and treats them like babies. 


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Katelyn and Wyatt's Birthday Fun

I was so glad to get out of the house and enjoy Katelyn and Wyatt's Birthday. We wouldn't have missed it! Ava loves to visit with Katelyn. 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's almost time....

My original weekly appointment was set for Thursday, but I woke up Wednesday having contractions. I made it to work and had another one, so left early. I was able to see my doctor early and was informed I'm 90% effaced and dilated to 1cm. 
So I'm no longer working and resting at home. We have a c-section scheduled for Wednedsay April 9th at 5:30....."if" we make it that far Nathan will be delivered at 38 weeks 4 days. 
I can't wait to meet my little man!! I'm also anxious to see how Ava is with her little brother.