Saturday, October 31, 2015

Halloween 2015

The weather was terrible this Halloween, but luckily we had indoor plans. My aunt Mary/ uncle Chava hosted their annual Halloween Party with a great Haunted House. Chava has been retired over a year now so his "hobby" is preparing for this party. He did a GREAT job!

The Hulk and Sabine
Beautiful Cousins

Halloween Treats for my loves...

Friday, October 30, 2015

School Halloween Party

I only went to Ava's Halloween Party. I felt bad for not going to Nathan's but he would have been so bad for his teachers after the party. So I opted not to go. I will wait until he is older and not as clingy to me. Ava on the other hand loves to have me there! She is so sweet and wants me to hold her hand. She doesn't fussy at all once I leave. Love these special moments/memories with my big girl.
School Costume Parade
Morning Breakfast with my loves.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Date Night

Ryan and I spent an evening with each kid (Date Night). Ava and I went to the nail salon and out for sushi. I really enjoyed special time with Ava. She is getting too big too fast. She enjoyed getting her nails done and had a Philly Roll all to herself (minus the smoked salmon). Ryan and Nathan went out for margaritas and Mexican. Nathan ate like a big boy and was flirting with the waitress.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rainy Weekend at Home

Perfect weekend for quality time at home. It rained all weekend and we loved it. We slept in, stayed in our PJ's most the day, I cleaned closest, etc. (not so exciting, but much needed), Ryan cooked great meals, decorated pumpkins, and watched movies (pictures is Ava watching Jurassic World with ALL her dinos).

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Nathan's 18 month check up

Weight: 33lbs (99%)
Height: 35 inches (98%)
Head: 19.5in (94%)
Confirmation from his doctor that I-HAVE-ONE-BIG-BOY

Blessington Farms - Ava's 1st field trip

I took off to attend Ava's 1st field trip. I would have NOT missed out on this...and hopefully can go to many more.
Ava was so excited I was there. There were actually a lot of parents. She was thrilled to ride the "big kid" bus to the farm. Once there the kids had a blast going from activity to activity. Seeing her so happy and interacting with all her little classmates made me love being her mom! I truly enjoyed my day with her. I LOVE being a MOM.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Thank Goodness.........

This year has been very stressfully working in the oil/gas industry when the price of Crude  has been about $45bbl. I have made it past 3 rounds of layoffs this year. The 1st round my group wasn’t impacted, 2nd round in April we lost 3 people, and today 3rd round we lost another 3. I’m very thankful for making it through this year, but sad to see co-works being laid off.

This industry is very cyclical. I made it past the 2008 Crude plummet from $150 to $40 and now this price drop in 2015. I hope to continue working at CoP. This November will be 10 years. When its good, its great, but when its low, you just hope your position/job skills are critical to the business.



Sunday, October 11, 2015

Gia Girl is ONE

Party in LP for this beauty. Gia Gail turned 1.The kids enjoyed time with their cousins.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Nathan is 18 months

I want time to slow down.

Size: some 24/2T
Shoe: 5 1/2 and some 6
Diaper: 5
New with Nathan:
He thinks he is a big kid. He wants to do everything his sister does.
He knows all his body parts.
Can identify people and pets. Cant say Gramps, Mimi = Moomoo, and Tito = Tita
LOVES to dance. I means loves it!
He enjoys playing with Ava, but gets so mad when she plays in her room.
Eat just about anything, but cheese and some vegetables  (crazy I know!)
Favorite foods: chicken, beans, bananas, blueberries and cookies
Has shown no signs if potty training.
Sleeps so well. Like 12 hours or more.
Started to sleep with a stuff animal. Doesn't care which one just takes one to sleep. AND doesn't not let me rock him anymore (sad). I will sit with him in bedroom chair until he is finished with his milk. Then he points to the bed and says "night, night".
Is not interested in cartoons.
Plays with cars/trucks and make sounds.
...he is all boy. rough and tough. Love my little man and very sad he is growing up.

Thursday, October 8, 2015


This Fall School Year Ava is in Cheerleading. She picked this sport all on her own. She goes once a week and learns cheer basics (stretches, motions, jumps, chants and cheers). 

Saturday, October 3, 2015


Saturday Mimi joined us. It was a beautiful day to enjoy Galveston. Dad scheduled a dolphin watch. It lasted about 45 minutes. Ava was all about spotting the dolphins and Nathan was more into bird watching. Then it was onto Pleasure Pier. This place is pretty expensive so we made the most of our time and rode the kid rides a few times/played game. I won Ava a fox. She was so proud of me. Afterwards we had lunch at Bubba Gumps. Mom and I were excited about this! We had been to the one in New York and California, but this one disappointed. The service was terrible and slow. Anyhow we had family fun and checked Pleasure Pier off our list… and won’t be going back.