Sunday, October 30, 2016

Halloween Party

Family Annual Halloween Party was a hit like always! Mary and Chave know how to through a great party. 

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Solo Time with Gramps

It's rare Nathan gets any one on one time with Gramps of anyone without sister. So this day he was treated to a haircut, ice cream and a pumpkin patch. He was one happy little boy. 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Pumpkin Carving

It was the perfect evening for carving pumpkins. These cuties help me clean out then pumpkin seeds. Then I created my masterpiece. 

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Fall Festival

These cuties at fun at our local Fall Festival. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

1/2 Day with Dad

Ava had her 1st early release from school. Ryan took 1/2 to spend with her. They met me for lunch them had fun bowling. 

Pumpkin Contest

Ava and I made a Garfield pumpkin for school. 

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Side Lines

Nathan on the side lines at sisters volleyball practice. 

Thursday, October 13, 2016


Ava was so excited about her school Blaze-A-Ton. I went during my lunch break to support her. She ran 35 laps raising $11 per lap earning $385 for Bentley. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Nathan has Hives

The fall weather blew in and we spend most the weekend outdoors. When Monday rolled around Nathan woke up with hives. We had a quick trip to his pediatrician to determine the rash and how to treat it. Nathan seems to have environmental allergens (possibly ragweed). We will have to monitor and treat with cold baths, Benadryl, and cortisone. Eventually he will need an allergy test.
Poor baby has sensitive skin like me.   

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Nathan is 2.5

How is this kid 2.5! I want him (them) to stay little forever.
Clothes size: some 3 most 4
Shoe size: 6
Weight: 40lbs
Pull up size: 4t-5t
Potty Training: ugh what potty training. The closes we are is him telling us to change him because he has tee tee or poo poo.
Foods: meat! meat! and more meat! and “milky” all day.
Health: well we now know he is allergic to some Fall spore and breaks out in hives, plus a few insect bite he scratches and a daily dose of Claritin.
Routine: week days is pretty much set by sister school schedule. He is up by 6:10 and ready for school. They drop sissy off and he is at school by 7:30. There he naps for about 2 hours around noon. On the weekends we let him sleep in as long as he wants too, he stays up as long as he can and goes down for a nap about 2 for 3 hours.
Milestones:  he has hit all of them we are just waiting on potty training.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Fulshear 5k

I ran  in the Fulshear 5k. I needed a 5k time and wanted to run in a fast pace race vs. 10k. I think I did pretty well my 1st two miles and died the 3rd mile. I met my goal running a 8:30 pace but wanted the splits to be closer together instead of 8:10, 8:19 and 8:52. I'll take it though!
Later that afternoon the kids and I watched movies in bed and took a nap. Loved our lazy day and so did my legs.  

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Sock Epidemic

Ava developed a weird sock issues. She cant stand the seem in the socks and was refusing to wear them. So this quickly turned into a smelly situation and Ryan was having the worst time in the morning with her. Like all out tantrum so I bought $50 socks (6pack) of special socks that do not have seems. It was totally worth every penny.
On an other note Nathan doesn't like Tags in his shirts. It not a big issue now. Only if he feels them he will ask us to cut the tag. No problem!  

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Timmy is 1

The kids and I spent the weekend at my parents while dad was with Pepaw for the weekend enjoying Football. They went to the SFA vs. SAM game stayed the night by the stadium and were back at it the next day to watch the Texans. 
While at my parents we celebrated Timmy's 1st birthday. Ava picked him out a cupcakes and party treats for Boudreaux and Bentley. They also spent time with their favorite cousin Garrett and watched movies.