Tuesday, March 8, 2011

WOW Chunks!

Ava slept from 9:30 - 4:15 last night! She was even still a little congested & slept with the humidifier. I'm almost positive the trick was the swaddle sack.
I swaddled her all the way up until she started wearing the brace. The Orthopedic Specialist said we could not do anything that would cause her legs to come together. That ment no swaddle with the receiveing blaket, no long trips in the car seat, no swing, limited bouncer use…poor baby.
Well after a couple of restless nights for mom, dad, & Ava I decided to try the swaddle sack & only use the arm part. What do you know?! It worked!!!!! She slept so good, which made Ryan & I both happy. But…..I still woke up about 4 times to check on her. I can't help it. I get so worried when I don’t hear anything for a couple hours. SIDS scares the crap out of me. Ryan says I'll still be checking in on Ava sleeping until she leaves for college.

1 comment:

  1. I still check on Jack atleast once during the night. Larry thinks I'm crazy....it must be a Mommy thing!
