Wednesday, December 28, 2011

1 year old, really?!

I cant believe it has been a year since my love bug was born. This has been the best -craziest - fastest - most memorable - year of my life yet.

I can still remember leaving work last year for a doctors appointment & ultra sound (to check if Ava was still breech & my amniotic fluid). I left about 2 & told everyone, "see you tomorrow." Boy was I ever wrong. My amniotic fluid was extremely low & I needed to have an emergency c-section that evening. I remember being in shock & disbelief that I was about to be a mom. It was so unexpected & out of my control. I had so many thoughts running through my head…she cant come now, I'm not ready, I didn’t set my out of office on my computer, take my lap top home, I didn’t have a great meal, my mom wasn’t on vacation yet, who was going to watch the dogs & most importantly my bag wasn't packed.
It wasn't until I had talked to my dad (well tried, I was balling & just listening to him) when he said to me, "well you want to be a mom, right?"; that I sucked it up, gained my strength & composer to walk in the hospital & let them know I was there & ready to have my baby. I was calm the rest of the time. Ahh…and life would never be the same.

Ava - you have made me a stronger women, a better person, enjoy life more, take it one day at a time, love harder, smile more & most of all complete me & this family. I look forward to seeing you grow up.


Height: 29.92" (76.93%)
Weight: 23lbs 4oz (82.43%)
Head: 18.31" (86.65%)

Clothes size: 12-18 months
Shoe size: 3 or 4
Diaper size: 3 or 4
Bottles per day: 2 bottles at daycare/1 before bed @ 6 oz each of whole milk. Juice/water with afternoon snack & dinner
Solids per day: almost 100% on table food
Health: has been good once she got over strep throat. Has 4 top teeth & 2 bottom
Routine: same as usual.
Sleep: Back in the cib & sleeping like a big girl. I will rock her or just lay her in her crib & she will fall asleep. Some nights we will hear her cry for a second or more, but most she is out until I wake her up to get ready for daycare. I cant remember the last time she slept in the bed with us. Hallelujah!
Milestones: walking!! holding her bottle & sippy cup (took forever to do)

@ Ava:
Walking, but still prefers to crawl
So cute when I wake her up in the morning
Loves to run around the kitchen in her walker
Feeds the dogs her snacks & thinks its so funny
Loves bananas
Hates shoes, socks & will take bows out of her hair
Loves to roll around on all the couch pillows (we put them all on the living room floor)
Goes straight for the dishwasher, pantry or fridge if we leave the door open
Likes to play with Boudreaux & hand him her toys
Tries to get Teddy on the couch
Loves family hugs & will pat you on your back when hugging you
Keeps getting into all the kitchen cabinets
Giggles & screams all the time (with her mouth wide open - see in pictures)
Loves to play with all her toys. We always have a huge mess of toys in the living room
Starting to hold dolls & mock me (holds them to her chest & pats them)
When you say, "give me a kiss" she will lean her head forward to you

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