Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Family Time

We really enjoyed our 3 day holiday weekend. I just LOVE spending time with Ava. I find myself hugging, squeezing and asking her for smooches all the time. I cant get enough of her. She is too darn cute! Lately she has been…..

Obsessed with SHOES!! She wears them all the time and poor baby has sweating feet like her daddy. From morning (swear, she will wake up asking for her "choo's") till bath time, that girl is in her shoes. She goes to her room and grabs different pairs through out the day & wants you to change them. We are ready for this phase to be O-V-E-R.

Everything seems to be "tooo tight". From her rubber bands in her hair (which really are not. I swear she just doesn’t want me to do her hair) to her clothes sometime. Crazy girl.
She is the biggest helper. Along with helping load/unload the laundry and dish washer, she has been helping dad feed the dogs & gives them "Treats! Treats!".

She loves for me to pretend that she is a baby. I will wrap her up in a blanket and show her to Ryan, Teddy & Boudreaux. She gets a kick out of it.

She loves to rough play with Ryan. They roll around, she climbs on his back & they play chase with the dogs.

She has a sisterly bond with her BFF Emma from across the street. They can play so well together, yet fight like sisters.

Has become the worst little shopper E-V-E-R. I refuse to take her shopping alone & will leave her at home with Ryan when I can. She hates to stay in the shopping cart or stroller. She will say, "I want down" over and over until she is gets her way or makes a scene.

Lately her favorite foods have been spaghetti, chili, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, Mac & cheese, croutons, tomatoes with ranch and her ever so favorite fruit snacks or as Ava says, "nack, nack".

She has been sleeping so well, but sometime will play in the crib and toss everything out of the crib. Then cry until we come in and put everything back in there. Silly girl….I think she does this to keep herself awake a little longer. Once she is ready to put herself to sleep she will get comfy laying on her pillow, cover herself up, hold her "big head baby" (a hello kitty stuffed animal), pacy in mouth…and one in hand then pass out.

She is repeating EVERYTHING and starting to put words together. When she does it shocks Ryan and I.
She is growing up WAY-TOO-FAST.

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