Monday, February 27, 2012

14 months

Our sweet - loud - bossy - crazy love bug is turning into a little person full of personality. I'm absolutely in love with this age. Ava is learning so much & her expressions are priceless. For example, we took her to The Rain Forest Café & she had a ball. She couldn't get enough of the fish. While we were eating dinner she would just look at all the animals & pointed or screamed/laughed with excitement. She got a kick out of the huge elephant that was next to our table. She wasn't scared one bit. We will definitely revisit!

We are down to 1 pacy in the crib at night
She is teething like crazy (the back teeth) & super fussy at times…I swear its like she is getting a full mouth of teeth.
I noticed she eats a lot better at daycare
- loves fruit & cheese
Drinks from a sippy cup all day & has a night time bottle
Eats snacks from a snack cup
Kinda of, sort of getting interested in cartoons
Has started to shut doors
Likes to be outdoors
Obsessed with balls - big, small, tennis, golf, boudreaux's...she sees it, she wants it & wont let it go. She even tried to take a tennis ball in her crib with her before bed.
Loves to crawl all over her dad
New vocab: bye, ball & mine

Monday, February 13, 2012

Feeling a lot better

Last week Ava was under the weather. It all started off with a slight cough, then terrible cough, fever, doctors visit, testing positive for strep (might be a carrier if she gets strep one more time with in a year of the last positive test - November), a shot of penicillin, a few days home with me & now she is all better. Now we are just dealing with teeth breaking in. Lucky us, huh. Ava went from 2 bottom teeth forever, to 4 teeth (2 bottom & 2 top), to 6 coming in all at once (2 upper, 1 lower & 3 molars).

The good news is she still seemed to sleep through with night being sick & now teething. Thank Goodness!