Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Ava is so funny these days. She is picking up on EVERYTHING. We have to watch what we say and how we explain stuff to her.

Funny Stories:

We don't cuss at all anymore....don't even let it slip out. So the other day Ryan did something and said "oh shoot" instead of "oh shi*t". Well a few days later we started hearing Miss. Ava say "oh shoot".

Ryan's work shirts have a pocket and he keeps his cell phone in his pants pocket. When he gets home from work he will grab Ava and hug her. So she is right at shirt pocket level and goes straight for his pins. Also she loves to play with his cell phone. So she will dig in his pants pocket to take it. I guess a few times Ryan has told her "put it back in my pocket". Well lately we have found Ava's hair bows in her pocket......but Ava's clothes dont have pockets. She is stuffing them in her diaper. When you ask her where her bow is, she says "in my pocket". So needless to say we have tossed out many hair bows.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Ava's 2nd Birthday

As always we celebrated Ava's birthday early. I hate that her birthday is so close to Christmas. I feel bad adding another party to an already busy month for everyone. So this year we only invited family & kept it as small as we could. The theme was Gingerbread. I think all the decorations turned out really cute. Ava was such a good girl and enjoyed her special day. Especially all the sweet goodies and opening her gifts. She received lots of clothes, shoes, baby dolls, a wood table, puzzles, luggage, Dora tricycle, Dora galore and her favorite item was a broom set (lol! She loves to help Mimi sweep). So after the party her and Mimi swept the whole house. Dad said they were dancing all night with their brooms.


I was very pleased how Ava's pictures turned out. She usually doesn’t care for the camera or for the person behind the camera making silly faces and sounds to make her smile. To be very honest, this little girl can be a difficult client.
2yr Pictures

Christmas Pictures

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Big Girl

Love this girl!! She is getting so big. While daddy was out we had a girls night in. I swear she is like my litte best friend. We ordered take out and enjoyed each others company all night long.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Oh Ava girl

Funny Story - when we eat dinner at home if Ava is wearing a long-sleeved shirt I will roll or push up her sleeves. Well….Ryan informed me today that when she walks into her school she knows she is about to eat breakfast, so she starts to push up her sleeves. The ladies in the morning think its so cute. They start to chuckle when Ava walks down the hallway.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Kick off to Christmas

I wanted to start a family tradition this year by doing something fun and festive the 1st weekend of December. This year we kept it close to home and made a trip down to Galveston. My dad, mom, uncle Augustine, Ava and myself (Ryan had already booked plans with his dad to play golf & go to the SAM game) had a wonderful (and very busy) time Saturday evening. We went to Dickens on the Strand, dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant: The Original Mexican Café and lastly The Festival of Light at Moody Gardens.
Ava was a little trooper! She enjoyed herself on the Strand watching all the characters pass while snacking on cinnamon baked pecans. She even got to pet a pony and see an elephant and camel. Maybe next year….or the year after that I will let her ride on one. By the time we made it to the festival of lights Ava was full and tired. We zoomed through the lights and called it a night.