Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A day with Gramps

Friday Ava & I spent a fun day with Gramps. We went to the Downtown Aquarium. I didn’t know there was so much to do there. We all had a great time and took full advantage of the park. We rode on the train (Ava kept saying "choochoo"), carousel (For some reason she was scared. Weird because she loves the one at the mall), walked through the aquarium (Ava kept saying "fishy"), watched the tiger (Ava kept saying "kitty), then had a delicious lunch.

21 months

Life has been so easy with Miss. Ava. She is very independent now and is so much fun. I just LOVE her little personality…and CAN NOT believe she will be 2 in three short months. My baby girl is growing up.

What has been going on with Ava:

She has a new pet. Gramps bought her a fish a few weeks ago. Ava named him "fishy". We have him placed on her book shelve in her room. Everyday after school Ava & I will feed Fishy.

Ava is still a very good eater. Sometime she shocks me at the things she will eat & really likes. Right now we are going through a broccoli phase. This girl loves broccoli!!

Currently Ryan's nick name for her is "snacks". She knows where her fruit snacks are in the kitchen and will go to the cabinet and scream "nack, nacks". We ask her, "What do you say" and she will reply (in the cutest little voice ever), "pleeease". Then we give them to her & ask her, "what do you say now Ava"? She will reply, "thak ooh".

Ava enjoys us reading to her but will flip the pages too fast. She also will look (she likes to think she is reading) at the books to herself. She is very talented and can even read them upside down. Haha!

She also enjoys blocks. She will spend a good amount of time stacking them and then show you what she made.

It has finally happen!! Ava can actually watch a show/cartoon. She really likes Dora the Explore & The Fresh Beat Band. She will dance around to the songs.

Ava is ALWAYS on the run. She is so active and loves to play. Her favorite is hide in seek or chase. Ryan & I will play with her in the house. I love to hear her giggle and squeal when her daddy chases us or finds us.

She knows most of the sounds animals make (that is the ones mom & dad know). She can count to 2. She knows pretty much all her body parts. We are currently working on colors, foods and a few Spanish words.

Lately she has really taken a liking to the dogs. She will give them hugs and pat them. Sometimes they enjoy it, other times they run.

Speaking of dogs…..we have a professional "terd spotter". It can be our house, my parents, the neighbors, anywhere. Ava will notice it, then point and continue to say "a poo, a poo". Until you redirect her attention or pick the darn terd up. Geez kid, can we pick flowers instead.

We have taken a break from gymnastics. I really needed it and figured with the holiday starting up soon, why not & what better time. So we will enroll her back in the spring if we do not enroll her in swimming instead.

At daycare she has been taking naps with out her pacy (hallelujah). Now only if we can do this at home.

We really LOVE Ava's daycare and they are so good to her. I can also tell Ava really enjoys it there and there are a few ladies who have really embraced Ava since watching her as a baby. But, I feel there might be a better fit at another place. We are currently contemplating switching her to another place. This place is newer and offers more advancements for toddlers. For example, a science room, computer room, a little more structure, plus nicer play area and water park area. My only hesitation is the actual "switch". I don’t want to see Ava cry or feel alone/out of place at a new place. I'm so torn…..I told myself "if" we move her it will be at the start of the year. So we shall see. I know its better for her in the long run, I just worry how Ava will adjust to a new setting and new people.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Brynlee is HERE

My beautiful niece/Ava's best-cousin is HERE!!! We are all very excited to have another baby in the family. I love her so much already....and YES holding her gave me baby fever. I cant wait to see Ava & Brynlee grow up together!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Poor love bug had her 1st bobo this weekend.
She was run at Mimi & Gramps house, tripped, fell flat on her face & busted her lip.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Family Time

We really enjoyed our 3 day holiday weekend. I just LOVE spending time with Ava. I find myself hugging, squeezing and asking her for smooches all the time. I cant get enough of her. She is too darn cute! Lately she has been…..

Obsessed with SHOES!! She wears them all the time and poor baby has sweating feet like her daddy. From morning (swear, she will wake up asking for her "choo's") till bath time, that girl is in her shoes. She goes to her room and grabs different pairs through out the day & wants you to change them. We are ready for this phase to be O-V-E-R.

Everything seems to be "tooo tight". From her rubber bands in her hair (which really are not. I swear she just doesn’t want me to do her hair) to her clothes sometime. Crazy girl.
She is the biggest helper. Along with helping load/unload the laundry and dish washer, she has been helping dad feed the dogs & gives them "Treats! Treats!".

She loves for me to pretend that she is a baby. I will wrap her up in a blanket and show her to Ryan, Teddy & Boudreaux. She gets a kick out of it.

She loves to rough play with Ryan. They roll around, she climbs on his back & they play chase with the dogs.

She has a sisterly bond with her BFF Emma from across the street. They can play so well together, yet fight like sisters.

Has become the worst little shopper E-V-E-R. I refuse to take her shopping alone & will leave her at home with Ryan when I can. She hates to stay in the shopping cart or stroller. She will say, "I want down" over and over until she is gets her way or makes a scene.

Lately her favorite foods have been spaghetti, chili, grilled cheese, chicken nuggets, Mac & cheese, croutons, tomatoes with ranch and her ever so favorite fruit snacks or as Ava says, "nack, nack".

She has been sleeping so well, but sometime will play in the crib and toss everything out of the crib. Then cry until we come in and put everything back in there. Silly girl….I think she does this to keep herself awake a little longer. Once she is ready to put herself to sleep she will get comfy laying on her pillow, cover herself up, hold her "big head baby" (a hello kitty stuffed animal), pacy in mouth…and one in hand then pass out.

She is repeating EVERYTHING and starting to put words together. When she does it shocks Ryan and I.
She is growing up WAY-TOO-FAST.