Saturday, May 31, 2014

Much Needed Girl Time

Ava and I enjoyed a much needed girls afternoon. We got manicures, pedicures and haircuts. 
Since Nathans arrival I'm making an effort to get alone time with my Ava Bug. 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Everyday Fun Day

It wouldnt be a trip to LP without visiting Chuckie Cheese. Ava knows where all her favorite rides are and can/will stay on the white horse the entire time. 

We always do things during brothers long nap. Once again him snoozing...

Ava has been wanting to see Godzilla. So dad and I took her. I was unsure about her lasting the entire movie and even getting scared, but nope. This little girl enjoyed every minute. She was such a big girl. Only thing we need to work on is her asking a ton of questions during the movie. 

Good Morning My Handsome

Nathan and I have a good morning routine. He wakes up anywhere between 7:30 - 9 (we are not on a strict schedule yet). Before a pick him up I open the blinds and start talking to him. I tell him "Good morning my handsome" and start singing or talking. Once he is up he will start smiling and babbling to me. I just LOVE it!! 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Houston Zoo

The kids and I packed up and headed to LP for the week. Dad was on vacation, mom had a few days off and Ryan is going to be super busy this week with work. 
1st on our agenda was the zoo. It was the perfect day. Note to self: go on a cloudy day during the end of school year. We found great parking and it wasn't packed. At one point Ava was the only kid on the carousel. 
We walked through the entire zoo. Ava enjoyed seeing all the animals. She particularly loved the tigers, lions and cheetahs. Another hit was feeding the giraffes. Nathan did what he does best and snoozed. 

Memorial Weekend

This Memorial Weekend Tito made crawfish for the 1st time. It turned out great and will be an annual event now. 

Ava had her 1st snow cone of the summer. 

Thursday, May 22, 2014

6 Week Check Ups

My check up: released for all normal activity! Yay! So the 1st thing on my agenda was to run and I had the perfect running partner. I ran about 1.5 miles. It was slow but I was able to do it. I was shocked because I stopped running once I was pregnant with Nathan so I knew/know I'm WAY out of shape. 

Nathan's check up: well he still has baby acne, now cradle cap and going bald. Everything else looks great. He is growing on track and is a big baby at 89 percentile for weight and length. 
Weight: 12.69
Length: 23 inches
He got 3 shots and 1 oral. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Plant Store

Leave it to Ava to find a dinosaur ANYWHERE. These cute little Dino's were at our local "plant store".

Sweet Moment

Ava said the sweetest thing to me Saturday. I was getting ready for a couples dinner party with friends and couldn't find anything to wear. I'm still at that akward stage where my clothes fit but not the way I want them to or feel comfortable in them. So I was really feeling down on myself and kinda didn't even feel like going to the dinner. Eventually I found something. When I came out of the bedroom dressed Ava said, "Mommy you look so pretty". It just made my day! I realized I don't need to be so hard on myself. If my daughter thinks I'm pretty thats all that matters...or could be she was happy to see me in something other than yoga pants, t-shirt and my hair in a pony tail. Either way it was a very sweet moment.


After Spring Pictures my parent and I took the kids to our local Crawfish Festival. We were there early so it wasn't too hot and there weren't a lot of people there yet. So it was perfect. Ava didn't want anything to do with the rides. Nope. This girl wanted to ride all the animals and see the dog show. Nathan snoozed the whole time while his sissy had fun. 

Spring Pictures

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Stay at Home Mama

....until August!
Some days are harder than others, but I will cherish this time I have with my babies.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

We went to LP for an extended weekend.  I didn't tell many people we were in town yet because Nathan still didn't have his 6 week shots. So it was a very low key weekend. Nathan met his great grandmother Rosa and I captured the sweetest picture of them starring at each other. Ava played all weekend long! Ryan played golf and I got to enjoy Morhers Day with my mom.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Date Night

Ryan and I had our 1st night out since Nathan was born. We went to The Toadies concert downtown and stayed at  a hotel. We had a wonderful time!! We both LOVE The Toadies, I got a full nights rest and we enjoyed time alone. 
Going out sure isn't what it used to be. We were in bed by midnight, up early and home by noon to see the kids. 

Nathan is 1 Month

This month has flown by. I'm really enjoying my time home with him. He is such a great baby. At this time with Ava I couldn't wait to go back to work. With Nathan I'm staying home until August and once he gets his 6 weeks shots Ava will be staying home with us too. I can't wait to enjoy the summer with my kiddos. 

Stats: I think he is about 10lbs
Wears: size 0-3months
Diaper: size 1
Formula: either 4 or 5 oz every 3 to 4 hours. Even 5 hours at night sometimes. 
Health: he has baby acne 
Routine: not on a set schedule yet. He wakes up by 8. Stays up for a good stretch. Then eats, sleeps and stays up a tad through out the day. About 8 I give him a bath and try to have him asleep by 9 for the night.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Ava's New Phase

....and one we hear All.The.Time "But Why".