Monday, January 30, 2012

13 months

Things I want to remember at this age/what is new:

Sleeping! The whole night!! Only took a year...
Sleeps with a pacy in her mouth & 1 in each hand (how the heck are we going to get rid of that thing)
When she wakes up she will call out "ma-ma"
When we have a family hug she will pat you on the back & giggles
She loves dancing to music
- she has one move Ryan calls "the Ray Charles" - sways side to side
- another I call " woody wood pecker" - sticks her head out
- then "drop it low" - bounces up & down
Running everywhere
Chasing the dogs & hitting them (thinks its so funny)
Hides from us & runs when we see her
Screams all the time & is so loud
Waves Hi & Bye to everyone
Hands you something & says "thak ooh"
When something drops she says 'ut ooh"
Calls Boudreaux "woo droo"
Says "gra paw"
Getting into everything
- pantry, fridge, closet & laundry room (if we leave the door open)
Loves her babies. Will hold them to her chest & pat them. If you ask her where her baby is, she will go find it & bring it to you.
She loves her toys (can you tell in the picture). She knows what pieces go with what toy.
Loves to get on her daddy shoulders.
I LOVE picking her up from daycare. She will run to me with the biggest smile & gives me the biggest squeeze

Ahhh….I cant believe I have a 13 month old. She is so much fun. She is my little mini me & side kick.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Mimi, Ava & I went to Philly for a couples days to visit Gramps (my dad has been on a work assignment there since mid August). Ava was a trooper the whole trip. We strategically planned the plane ride during her nap time. She slept most of the way there & back. She got fussy both times the last 15-30 minutes, but nothing crazy or super embarrassing. We were even told by other passengers how well Ava did (I was a proud mama).

My dads hotel is located in the Museum District. So we spent most of our time out and about walking to all the museums. Ava was so cooperative & well behaved the whole time. This trip made me realize that she is growing up & becoming a little toddler. She was just taking in all the sights & sounds of Philly. She loved to be on the go.

Ava's 1st:

Visit to another state
Plane ride
Taxi ride
Taste of seafood (crab cakes, fish & shrimp)

Friday, January 20, 2012


Ava has slept on average 11 hours a night this whole week. Not even a peep, just a peaceful sleeping baby (big girl). Ryan & I have been in shock every morning. She goes down between 7:15 & 7:45 and Ryan either wakes her up close to 7 or she wakes up around 6:30. We are very HAPPY & well rested parents this week.

Way to go Little P!!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Well its offical, I'm 30

Ryan and I spent a few days in Vegas. We had a really great time. The 1st day we bar hopped & went to a club. The next day I had a reality check & realized I was too old to be doing that. Haha! I didn’t drink all day. That evening we went to dinner & to see Peep Show. The last day I felt 100% better. We walked around, shopped, gambled a tab, went downtown & had my birthday dinner at Vic & Anthony's. The trip was short & sweet, just what we needed.
We both couldn't wait to get to my parents house to see Ava. This time (unlike returning from Jamaica when she seemed like she didn’t remember us) she seemed just as excited to see us. I love that little girl so much! Glad to be back home with my little princess.

Pictures of Ava while we were away. 1) not happy girl...aka Ava-tude 2) she loves Teddy & Teddy loves her

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ringing in 2012

We had a very (I mean very) low key New Years Eve. We cooked dinner & played with Ava all night. Once Ava was out about 8pm; Ryan & I popped open a bottle of champagne & watched a movie. I swear we were both out by 10pm.
Happy New Year!