Saturday, April 18, 2015

Nathan's Birthday Party

I had been very excited planning Nathan’s birthday. I was looking forward to a sunny, spring time day with all our family/friends hanging out in my parents backyard….well mother nature had something else in mind.  Friday evening it poured in LP. Like rain so hard the lights went out a few times and caused flooding in the neighborhood. So I had to cancel the bounce house and move all birthday activities indoors, under the patio and in to the garage. Luckily we still had a great turn out and the caterer didn’t cancel. Nathan had a blast! He is such a good boy. He played with all his cousins and was in the best mood the entire time. Ava on the other hand….let’s just stay its time to discipline.
Ava opening all Nathan's presents after numerous attempts telling her to stop.
My birthday boy!
Nathan showing his "#1"

Connor and Ava

The Happy birthday boy

Indoor activities

Birthday decor

Friday, April 17, 2015

Frozen on Ice

Kelsie and I took our daughters to see Frozen on Ice. Ava has been over the “Frozen” phase for some time now, but was still very excited to see the show and even more excited to go with Katelyn. The show was super cute and captured the girls attention the whole time.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

School Spring Pictures

Nathan's School Birthday

Nathan had a small celebration at his school on his Birthday. I opted to miss it and just brought small cupcakes that morning. I didn't want him to think he was going home with me since they had this at snack time after nap.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Nathan is ONE

Weight: 25+ lbs
Clothing: 18 & 24 months
Diaper: 5
Formula/Foods: No more formula. This big boy is on milk. He eats like a champs.
Health:. One healthy hunk.
Routine: He is so easy now. We only need to load up diapers, wipes and snacks. He takes one long nap from 11- 2:30 (school routine) or “if” he takes a small 45 nap in the morning by 11 he will nap again in the afternoon (weekends). He is ALWAYS out by 7pm or he is super cranky. Sleeps 11 hours a night.
What's New: Walking…and fast. He is all over the place. Now there is no place Ava can hide or hide her toys. He is always after her. His vocab: mama, dada, Aba (for Ava), Hi (and waves), ball, bye. He is starting to dance to music.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Gabriela Rose Moore is HERE

My God Daughter is here!
I'm so happy for my cousin Christine and her hubby Bryan.
This little baby has been a long awaited blessing.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday

Easter morning Ava and I dyed eggs for the Easter Bunny. The Easter Bunny must have loved them because Nathan and Ava had a ton of eggs to find. Nathan was into it until he found one egg and sat down. Ava on the other hand ran around collecting them all. The kids also got an Easter Basket from the Easter Bunny (mom and dad) and Mimi and Gramps.
We are all Easter’d out! Another Easter in the books….so THANKFUL for another year and my sweet babies.

I can not get a good picture of these two....
one is not looking. one is making a face...
One is covering her face....

Ava yelling at Nathan...

Nathan 1 egg and done

Don't worry BIG Sister will find them all

Easter Baskets from Mimi and Gramps

Easter Baskets from the Easter Bunny

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Annual Easter Party

We all went to Tia Rosie’s Annual Easter Party. Last year we missed it because Nathan was born. The kids had fun hunting for eggs! Ryan found the money egg!

My handsome Hunk!

Ava's Easter Basket from her Nina and Nino.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Easter Party at School

The kids Easter Party at school was fun! I participated more with Ava’s class since Nathan’s party ran so close to lunch then nap. PLUS he gets really clingy when I’m around too much. Nathans class played around with the Easter eggs outside. While Ava’s class it was a fun on “hunt”. She was so cute and very excited I was at her party (she didn’t let me forget I missed her Spanish performance a few weeks ago, but I didn’t think it was a BIG production. NOTE TO SELF – never miss another party).