Thursday, October 30, 2014

On the Move

All in a week I have seen Nathan sit up on his own and crawl. He is doing everything so much faster than Ava. Ava wasn't sitting up until 7 months and crawling closer to 8 months. I want this little guy to slow.his.roll AND be my baby forever.

Monday, October 27, 2014

21 Day Challenge Over

I’m so HAPPY I decided AND stuck to the 21 challenge. There were moments of weakness when I gave into not so health food choices or drank more than 1 glass of wine, but overall I’m very satisfied with my results. The program forced me to focus on portion control, making better food choices and most of all incorporating running back into my life
After having Nathan it was impossible to make “healthy” dinners every night and run. Having 2 kids is crazy, busy. So I now prep for healthy meals on Sunday. Plus, I no longer feel guilty about leaving my kids to go run. Running makes me feel good, therefore it makes me a better mother. I now run at least 5 times a week for a minimum of 3 miles to now running up to 6.5 miles. My typical workout schedule is: Monday 3 miles, Tuesday 3 miles, Wednesday 3 miles, Thursday off day, Friday early morning run with neighbors 4.5 miles and on the weekend 1 day off the other day early morning 6.25 miles with neighbors. I plan to keep this up! The Nixon family has changed for good.  

 Results: lost 5lbs, but I’m most satisfied with my toning up. I now fit in all my pre-baby clothes.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Hunts 1st Birthday

Saturday was our neighbors son 1st Birthday. Ava didn’t take a nap and Nathan decided to take his long nap right when the party started at 2. Luckily, the baby monitor reached across the street AND my father in law was in town to listen for Nathan.
Ava had a blast in the bounce house and running around with her 2 crazy BFF’s. Nathan finally woke up when the party was coming to an end about 4. He had a chance to play with the birthday boy. He actually wanted to tackle him. Lol! Crazy kid! That evening both kids crashed early. It was fun times for all!!

Nathan's future BFF (Hunt)
Nathan also going in for the tackle
Hunt 1year / Nathan almost 7 months
3 BFF's - just love these little girls

Friday, October 24, 2014

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fewell Wedding/6 Year Anniversary

Another wedding anniversary, another wedding to attend……
Ryan and I attended James Fewell’s wedding this past weekend. It was at his father’s 200 acre ranch in Groesbeck, TX. It was beautiful! A typical rustic, country wedding. We had a very nice time getting away, spending time together and catching up with old friends.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Ice Cream Tradition

We still have ice cream every Friday after school,  just a new place. Menchies!!

Friday, October 10, 2014

Nathan is 6 Months

Weight: a hefty 21ish lbs
Clothing: 12 months
Diaper: 4
Formula/Foods: he eats all types of baby food. Still has 5 – 6oz bottles a day.
Health: he is my little snotty kid. He sleeps with a humidifier most nights. I took him to the doctor for a cough. She said it was caused by drainage from running nose. He might be showing early signs of allergies, possible pet dander or dust mites. So we will monitor and confirm after his 1st birthday when he is able to get tested.
Routine: Little guy is like clockwork. He is up between 6-7, takes a bottle about every 3 hours, eats solids 3 times a day, starting to take 1 small nap in the morning, 1 long nap in the afternoon, bath, bottle, bed, out by 7. Ryan is taking on more morning duty. I’m able to leave the house early. I’m evening starting to run before work again (not as much as I’d like to, but it’s a start).
What's New: Nathan is getting up on all 4’s. Will scoot his knees but doesn’t go anywhere yet. Sitting up good on his own, but can’t get in that position on his own yet. Loves the jumper, walker and rolling around on the floor watching Ava play. We need to pack away the swing and vibrator infant chair. He has 2 bottom teeth. He doesn’t care for the pacifier much, will just bit on the sides (teething). Has been reaching out for people and turns/looks when you call his name. He has the cutest little laugh! Nathan love laughing at his sister.


Thursday, October 9, 2014

Ava's School Activities

Ava's school had bike day and a fire truck visited her school. 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Halloween 2014

I take the kids to JC Penneys for all their milestone pictures. I can get enough photos for grandparent and myself for less than $20  These were Nathan' s 6month/Halloween and Ava's Halloween pictures. Unfortunately Nathan size 12 month costume didn't fit when we put it on. So this ended up being Nathan 6months/fall picture. 
Ava is finally starting to dress up and wanted to be Elsa from frozen. Nathan was going to be a Ninga Turtle. 

Football Mini Photo Shoot

I couldn't resist an inexpensive photo op with a photographer in my home town. 

Sunday, October 5, 2014

21 Challenge

I'm posting a picture of my fridge because I prepped food for my 21 day fix challenge. I have NEVER been on a diet and don't really consider this a diet. More of a better way to eat, focus on portion control and incorporate exercise.  I hope to loose a few pounds and tone up. After Ava I carry about 5lbs but didn't try hard to loose because I knew I was going to have another baby. Now after Nathan I have Ava's 5lbs plus Nathan's and he may be my last so I want to make sure I get back in shape. 
I want to stay healthy and active for my kids. I want to be a good role model for them. Wish me luck!

Texans vs. Cowboys

The guys in Dallas at the Cowboys vs. Texans game. Ryan ran into friends as always. 

Fort Bend County Fair

Fall is here! 
This weekend the guys went to Dallas for a football game. My mom, aunt Aida and uncle Augustine came to stay. We had a good time at the fair. The weather was great, it wasn't too crowded and the kids had fun. Ava (and I) rode on rides. She even rode on her 1st roller coaster, but once she spotted the horse it was all over. All she wanted to do was ride Sparkles (she named him).

Friday, October 3, 2014

Slow Down

I can't believe Nathan is already trying to crawl. He is not even 6 months yet. He will get up on all 4's and rock back and forth, usually falling down on his face. 
I wish he would slow down. This little guy may or may not be our last. So I'm trying to enjoy every minutes of him being a baby. It's just going by so fast.