Monday, July 30, 2012


Ava & Emma have become really close. This weekend we had a family dinner date & Sunday we went to the splash pad & out for lunch.


We took Ava to the Circus Saturday afternoon. We had 3rd row seats, so I was worried she was going to love it or hate it. Well, she was a little scared at 1st with all the loud noise & dim lights. She held onto her daddy for the 1st few minutes or so until she saw the horses. Then she relaxed and enjoyed the show. She lost interest during a lot of it. Her favorite parts were all the animals (horses, tigers & elephants). Over all it was a great experience to share with my little princess. We bought her a little baby tiger. She has been carrying it all over the house & gives it kisses.

19 months

Our little cutie patootie is growing up so fast. We had her 18 month check up a little late. She is a healthy 29 lbs & 33 inches long.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Glad to be home

We took a break from any sort of potty training while on vacation. I think once Ava was in her element again she was comfortable to start back up. We had a lazy weekend at home and Ava told us twice that she had poo poo (TMI….I know, but this is exciting news to us). We will follow her lead & slowing start potty training back up again.

Ava watching cartoons

Florida / Louisiana Family Vacay 2012

This year we decided to take a road trip to Fort Walton, FL & hit up New Orleans, LA on the way back. I will have to admit I was a little worried about driving 9 hours with an 18 month old, but she was a trooper for the most part. My dad rented a large 12 passenger van so it made for a comfy trip for all and when Ava got fussy we let her walk a round a bit or stand and color/play.

Once we reached Fort Walton it was time to relax, drink a little, eat too much and soak up the sun on the beach and pool . The next day Ava had the whole morning & afternoon with her Mimi while we all went deep sea fishing. Fishing was a blast! We caught 6 red fish, 1 grouper and…..I hooked a shark!!! Ryan had to take over reeling it in, then my dad finished it off. We brought it up to the surface for a photo opt. The follow day Ryan & my brother played golf. The rest of the time in Florida Ava and I enjoyed family time on the beach. After 5 days in Florida we head to New Orleans for 1 last day to cap off our trip. It was the perfect way to split up the drive and get our Cajun fix. We stayed there long enough to sight see, eat amazing Cajun food and party a tad.

So needless to say, Ava was way off her normal schedule. She was waking up at 9 instead of the usual 7. Not napping until 1 or sometimes 2 for only 1-2 hours instead of going down about noon & sleeping for a good 2.5 hours. Then staying up until 10 or later. When we got home she slept for a solid 12 hours Friday & Saturday night. Poor baby is going to have a rough day at daycare today.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Fun with Gramps

Before heading out for our family vacation we had one day to enjoy with Gramps. We spent it at Kemah Boardwalk. It was extremely hot and Ava could only ride 3 rides. So it was a quick trip....rides, lunch and done.

4th of July

AKA mommy and Ava day. Ava and I had a fun filled day preparing for our annual family vacation. This year we were heading to Fort Walton, Florida and New Orleans, Louisiana. I needed to purchase a couple things, but most of all wanted to spend quality time with Ava. We started off shopping, then took a ride on the carousel, followed by a train ride around the mall, then played in the mall play area, lastly we had lunch at The Rain Forest Cafe. We both had so much fun. I love seeing Ava enjoy herself.

Once daddy came home from work we enjoyed family time, but Ava didnt make it to see any fireworks.....maybe next year.

Monday, July 2, 2012

18 months

Size: some 18 / 24
Shoe: 5 1/2
Diaper: 4 
New with Ava:

Time is flying by so fast! My baby is 1.5 years old.

Her little personality is really starting to show. She is very independent, curious and head strong. Ryan says she is a lot like me…I take that as a compliment.

With that said we have already started time out & pops on the hand. She is so determined to do something, that we tell her no & she will continue. If we pop her hand she will try to hit us back. Therefore, time out has worked wonders. She has never stayed in there the full minute, but she gets the point.

Everything right now is "that". She wants to know what "that" is. It so cute to hear her repeat what "that" is. Ryan and I crack up laughing at so many things that come out of her mouth. The latest one was saying peanut butter. She was really trying to repeat me, but it sure didn’t sound like that when it came out.

She is also a little copy cat. For example, I will get out of the shower then bush my hair, put lotion & deodorant on. Well….she wants to do all the same things. I LOVE it!! She is such the little girl playing dress up. I cant wait to paint her little toes. She finally lets me put bows in her hair & will even sit long enough for me to put pigtails in her hair.

Neighborhood fun

It has become the norm to meet up with the neighbors for dinner. Its a great time for all. The kids all love playing together and get worn out. I really enjoy watching Ava develop friendships with Emma, Annabel, Simian & Gabe. Once we put them to bed we'll meet in the cul-de-sac for a few nights caps. It's pretty hilarious. We will all have our monitors in one hand & a drink in the other.

She did it again

…and again. Ava pee pee'd in the potty Friday & Sunday evening before bath time. What a Big Girl!!!