Friday, May 31, 2013

Melt My Heart

I love hearing Ava's little voice. Here are a few of my favorites:
I love you or I love you too
I need a huge
I missed you or I miss "insert name"
This is my favorite
I love it
I have bo bo (in the whiniest voice) followed by us kissing it
or screaming the ABC's at the top of her lungs.. oh and there are 3 B's in Ava's Alphabet. B, P=B, and V=B. Then she says (really fast) "Now Ava knows her ABC's next time wont you sing with me".
....she just melts my heart!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Surprise Nino (Ava’s Godfather & my uncle)!

We let the good times roll into Saturday evening for a Fiesta Themed 60th birthday bash for Chava. It’s always great to see family! I love watching Ava interact with everyone. She played with the big cousins at the party.  They tried to teach her how to play tag and chase. She kind of got it. She really only liked to scream “Tag you’re it”. Needless to say Ava, Gramps, Grandpa Ricky, and I left the party early. Ava was worn out and getting cranky by 9.  

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Houston Museum of Natural Science

Ava LOVES dinosaurs. I mean LOVES them….she knows most the names, has a ton of toy dinosaurs, watches The Land Before Time movie, and even sleeps with them. So what better place to take her than the Houston Museum of Natural Science. So Saturday Mimi, Gramps, Ava & I (Ricky & Ryan opted to play golf) loaded up for a day of fun. Ava was totally in her element. She was fascinated with the size of them and how many there were. She kept running from one dinosaur to the next. Our last stop for the day was the gift shop. Ava wanted every dinosaur there, but she decided on a stuffed toy Brontosaurs (her favorite dinosaur), a green T-Rex and a pink T-Rex.

Gramps Farmers Market

My dad has quite the green thumb. He started his garden about 5 years ago. It has since turned into an avid hobby and he is very proud of it (we all are). When we are in town Ava will help Gramps in his garden. She seems to always pick the “baby” vegetables that are not ready, but Gramps doesn’t seem to mind as long as she is enjoying herself. Friday night was a special treat for Ava. She had her Mimi & Gramps plus Grandpa Ricky came to stay the holiday weekend with us in La Porte. So Ryan & I cooked an amazing dinner using vegetables from Gramps garden.

 This year Gramps in growing:
White Onion
Once this season is over, Gramps will jar pickles and okra.

Mimi and Mom Day

My mom and I had a mother/daughter day Thursday. We dropped Ava off at school. I gave mom a quick tour of Ava's class and the school. Then we were off to enjoy our day at the spa for a massage/facial, a little shopping and a much needed sushi date. I sure did enjoy one on one time with my mom. 
I can't wait to spend special days with my Ava bug when she is all grow up. 

Monday, May 20, 2013


This weekend our little family went to the Greek Festival. Ryan and I had intentions of walking around, listen to the music/watch the dancing, having a few drinks and eating Greek food. Ava had other intentions once she saw all the kiddie rides. She wanted to ride on all of them, but she was only tall enough to get on 3. She is one brave little girl. She wasn’t scared one bit. She got on the mini ferris wheel and planes, but passed on the huge slide. We are going to have our hands full when she gets older. I already told Ryan he would be the one to get on the rides/roller coasters with her. I don’t think I can handle those anymore.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Mother’s Day 2013

I started my Mother’s Day festivities off early. My father-in-law came in town during the week to spend some quality time with us. Thursday he joined us for Ava’s swim class. Ava was such a silly girl. She would do a task in the pool then look at her Grandpa to make sure he was watching her. Then Friday Ricky treated us to dinner. He also bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Love him!!
Saturday we were off to see my family. There is something about being home that seems so relaxing and peaceful. Ava played in her pool all evening,  Ryan cooked a great meal, Mimi and I drank wine, and I spent quality time with all my loved ones. Sunday morning we woke up and heading out for breakfast and a little shopping.

It was a GREAT Mother’s Day!! I felt extremely LOVED and so blessed to be Ava’s mom.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Muffins with Mom

My morning started off great! Ava was in a good mood and there was no battle on what she was wearing to school. Once we were at school Ava picked a blueberry muffin for her & I to share. My sweet girl was happy mommy was eating breakfast with her.

I just love this little girl to pieces.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Q and A with Ava

1. What is your name? Ava Nixon
2. How old are you? 2
3. What color is your hair? Brown
4. What color are your eyes? Brown
5. Are you a girl or boy? Girl
6. What do you want to be when you grow up? Big
7. What is your favorite animal? Elephant....I can't believe she said Elephant.
8. What is your favorite color? Green
9. What is your favorite movie? Lion King
10. What is your favorite ice cream? Ice Cream Cone
11. Who is your favorite mommy or daddy? Mommy
12. Who is your favorite Mimi or Gramps? Mimi
13. Who is your favorite Teddy or Boudreaux? Boudreaux

Teacher/Parent Conference

I had a Teacher/Parent conference yesterday with Ms.Catherine. She informed me on Ava’s progress and an insight into her personality at school. First we reviewed a questionnaire based on Social/Emotional, Cognitive & Language, Fine Motor, and Gross Motor Skills that Ms. Catherine used to assess Ava. There was no Pass or Fall, just Always, Sometimes or Never to a few questions. Based on this she is right on target for her age. I was really happy to see Never listed by says “Mine” or “No”. Then we reviewed Ava’s quiz on shapes and colors. She did really well on both these when you point and phase the question “What shape/color is this” but when the question is phased “Where is shape/color” she didn’t get all them correct. I was shocked she answered and was correct when asked What is and Where is the Octagon.   

I was really surprised when Ms. Catherine told me Ava was so quite & soft spoken in class. Ava is the complete opposite at home and around her family. I guess this is a good thing and our little girl is well behaved when she needs to be. She interacts with all the kids very well and favors Emerson. She follows direction and listens when needed. They will continue to work on her potty training. As do I in the upcoming months because Ava will move up to the 3 year old class in August and you must be potty trained.

My baby is growing up so fast (sad face).

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Ava's School Picture

2 years 3 months

Ava's litte BFF is Emerson. The little girl in the front row with blonde hair.

Teacher Appreciation Week

I absolutely love Ava's school. I'm so glad we decided to change schools. I have noticed a huge difference in Ava. She is turning into one smart girl.
She has 3 teachers. Ms. Catherine is the main teacher and Ms. Susie &
Ms. Chloe are there to assist her in class.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Special Evening

I was asked by Josh (Ryan’s cousin) to be his sponsor for his Confirmation. I was honored he asked me and thrilled to beapart of his special evening. To be quite honest I do not remember my confirmation, so experiencing it again was nice. Especially since mass was given by Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of the Archbishop of Galevstion-Houston. I was so excited to meet him! It was a once in a life time oppurtunity.