Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sick Baby

Before we left for Austin we noticed Ava was a little stuffy in the morning, but it would clear up as the day went on. We took precautions & she slept with the humidifier last Thursday & Friday then we left for Austin. When we got back we started back with the humidifier Sunday. Then Monday she woke up & sounded terrible. I left work early to take her to the doctor. The good news is that it is not a bacterial virus/infection, but she does have a virus. We were told to let it takes its course. Well Tuesday rolls around & poor Ava couldn't sleep. She kept coughing & her nose was running. So she slept with me in the bed so I could easily pat her back to sleep each time her cough would wake her up. I took off Wednesday & we went back to the doctor. She just sounded & even looked worse, but they told me the same thing. They checked her breathing to make sure her chest wasn't tight. They told me what to watch out for, said it will pass with time, no medicine for children under 2, just use Tylenol for fever & discomfort.
So last night she slept with me again. We had the humidifier going & I propped her up on a pillow. Which means "no sleep for me." I just cant sleep well with her in the bed & especially when she is sick. This morning she was her little happy self just had a slight running nose & still a terrible cough. She just gets so mad at me when I get the aspirator after her nose. Luckily she doesn’t mind the electric aspirator I bought. It plays music, so it’s a little distracting when sucking the boogers. Lately her nick name is Ms. Ava-tude. She has learned to hide her nose, turn away, or pull back when I need to clean it. I'm just hoping it clears up really soon. I hate seeing her sick.

1 comment:

  1. It's tough having a sick baby! I hope little Ava starts feeling better soon!!
