Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sweet Ava Memories

Oh Ava Bug.....I love you so much!! You are the cutest little thing ever. You bring love, laughter, and happiness to your daddy & I. We truly are enjoying this age!! I want to remember all the things you do and say.

You are talking non stop. You say new words every day and speak in full sentences. Sometimes we are shocked by how well you express yourself.

I want to remember:
"I want hug." Then we squeeze each other.
"I want smooch." Then I tell you I want a smooch and you kiss me on the cheek.
"Huh" - I dislike you saying it, but you sound so darn cute
"Peas" - Please - I still love hearing you say this
"Yes ma'am" - just cute
"That’s scary" - you heard the printer one night and said this.
"Cover me" - you tell me when I lay you to bed
"I go Mimi's house" or "I go Mimi's" - you say this when you don’t get your way at home

Your favorite things:
Still dinosaurs! You carry a purse filled with all your dinosaurs. You tell us their colors almost every day. You enjoy watching Dinosaurs on Utube. Your favorite is the Dinosaurs Song. When you are at your Mimi & Gramps, you and Gramps will sit at the computer all evening watching dinosaurs or playing the Dinosaurs Song over...and over...and over.

You also like "Horsey's" as you call them. You also carry these in your purse. You have a name for everyone. They are basically their color or size. You have 5 favorites right now you call brown, tan, white, spot and baby horsey. The white one is by far your favorite. Then you have all you little pony's and you have one special horsey. You say he has poo-poo, but we actually bought him at the tracker supply store, so he has all his male parts..aka the poo-poo.

Then you have this crazy tendency to line them all in a row. Your daddy said he used to do the same thing.

You have several purses. 1 clear one for all your dinosaurs & horseys. Then you have one special "Dora" purse that you keep all your "moneys" in. Dad will give you a dollar here and there and you know exactly what purse to stash it in.

When you go to bed we have narrowed down your toys in the crib. You used to take your big green dinosaurs, lately it’s a toss up between your green little pony or your orange and white striped horesy. Then you have your pillow pet, stuffed Hello Kitty, your BIG stuffed cow, your "white" aka white blanket and I cover you with your "pink" your pink blanket.

You have a pink soft ball you call "base-ball game". You must have it when you play in the backyard.

You love to pick flowers.

You STILL love to jump/roll around on mommy & daddy's bed. I think daddy also likes this special time with you. Ya'll have been doing this for as long as I can remember. Teddy even joins in the mix sometimes.

You STILL ask daddy for piggy-backs.

Your daddy is still the enabler of the pacy. When we get home from school you never ask me for it....I don’t even think you think about it, but as soon as your daddy gets home you ask him. He tries to change the subject and some days it works others he gives it to you. You have broken all but one pacy (bit a hole in them). I keep telling you once you break this last one, that’s it...no more pacy.

You love bubble baths. Now that you take swimming classes, you will lay in the bath on your back and say "I'm swimming".

News things:
You are now wearing pull ups all the time except when you sleep. At 1st you didn’t like them and kept asking for the "Monkey ones" aka baby diapers with Monkeys on them.

We bought you a stepping stool, so now you stand on there and brush your teeth (with a little help).

For some weird reason you don’t like wearing you pant pj sets. You don’t like them touching your feet. So now mama has to sew them all into capri's or shorts soon.

When we get home I take off your shoes and now you want to take off all your clothes. So most evening you are running around in just a diaper.

You now prefer Diego over Dora.

You hate for the bedroom doors to be open. You will shut every one or shout to us to "shut doors".

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