Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yost Puppy

Funny Story: On the way home from school Ava & I chat about almost anything or we sing (well I sing & she has to listen…poor baby). Anyhow, our conversation always starts off with me asking how was her day at school, then what ever else she wants to chat about. Some days the cars & school buses, other days the flowers & trees, but yesterday she noticed a sign for a lost dog. She told me, "momma yook at that puppy." She was pointing to a Lost Dog sign that was posted next to the light. I told her, "Ava that puppy is lost. He ran away from home and cant find his way back. So his owner put a sign out for him."

Then today on the way to school with Ryan they were at the same light. Ryan said Ava started yelling at him telling him, "yook daddy, that puppy is yost". Ryan couldn’t figure out what she was saying until he noticed what she was pointing at and realized she knew what the sign meant. He dropped her off at school and immediately called me. He couldn't believe Ava knew what the sign meant. I had to inform him, no your daughter cant read. LOL!! I told her yesterday about the dog on the sign. She is just one sharp kiddo and remembers everything!

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