Clothes size: 12-18 months
Shoe size: 4
Diaper size: 4
Bottles per day: Still 4 - 6oz bottles throughout the day plus juice.
Solids per day: great little eater. Is about 80% on table food.
Health: Just got over strep throat. It was by far the worst I have ever seen Ava sick. I hated seeing her that way. Now she has 4 teeth. The 2 bottom & 2 top teeth.
Routine: same as usual. Takes 1 long nap from about 11-1ish. Will take a short evening nap if she had a busy day.
Sleep: When she was sick I had her in the bed with me. Now that she is better, back to the crib she went. She still will wake up once a night. If she puts herself back to sleep, awesome, if not & she cries for too long, I just put her in bed with us.
Milestones: trying to walk. Will hold our hands & walk or stand & walk behind her walking toys.
@ Ava:
Getting close to walking
Starting to shake her head no if she isn't happy
Waves bye-bye
Will smack her lips & give a kiss
Dances just about every time she hears music
When we ask her "where is ???" she will look for that person/animal
Loves table food, not picky at all
Starting to point
Loves her mommy. Going through a mommy only stage.
Has major attitude. Hates getting her diaper changed or when you put her down & she doesn’t want to be down.
Still refuses to hold her bottle
Says da-dad, ma-ma & screams, babbles all-the-time
Is stretching out & seems to be not a chunky anymore
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